Final Sample

To test the final sample, we used ceramic plates as a substitute for ceramic floor. This is to test it against the floor cleaner, commonly used to clean up spills. For this experiment, we poured oil over the plates to simulate spills on the ceramic floor.

Items required:

2 clean ceramic plates
Cultured garbage enzymes
Floor cleaner
Cloth (substitute for mop)


1. Pour 2 teaspoons of oil on the ceramic plates.
2. Add 1 teaspoon of cultured garbage enzyme on one plate, and add 1 teaspoon of floor cleaner to the other plate of oil.
3. Wipe the mixtures on both plates using a clean cloth for different plates. Wipe using the cloth until no oil can be seen on the plate.
4. Compare how slippery the plates are. If the plate with the cultured garbage enzyme is less slippery, it means that the cultured garbage enzymes worked. If the plate with the floor cleaner is less slippery, it means that the cultured garbage enzymes failed.

Plates after oil was added
The plate on the left is the mixture of floor cleaner and oil. The plate on the right is the mixture of cultured garbage enzymes and oil
Plates after wiped by the cloth

The plate that had the mixture of garbage enzymes and oil was less slippery than the plate with the floor cleaner.

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